Visual Verses from The Mangalajodi Inheritance

Workshop & Exhibition of Watercolour Paintings
16-​21​st​ February 2018.

Keeping its commitment to promotion of art and artwork from Odisha and in continuance of "The Mangalajodi Inheritance" event held in New Delhi earlier in the year, Ila Panda Centre for Arts (IPCA) organiz​ed “Visual Verses from The Mangalajodi Inheritance” - a six day painting workshop based on Mangalajodi and Chilika with eminent contemporary artists of the ​state and ​country, from 16th​ ​-​ ​21​st​ February 2018.

This unique event saw a gathering of twenty two artists in Bhubaneshwar (16th Februry 2018) who spent two days visiting Mangalajodi and Chilika (17th and 18th February 2018) for a first-hand experience of the magical beauty of the locales. The participating artists then spent the following two and half days (19th-21st February 2018) painting their experiences and vision based on their extensive tours. The exhibition “Visual Verses from The Mangalajodi Inheritance” showcases artworks from the workshop.

This programme was a first of its kind attempt to capture the natural harmony of Mangalajodi and Chilika through the vision and interpretation of master watercolour artists. A rich natural inheritance such as Chilika and Mangalajodi belongs to the whole world. With the ongoing efforts to secure UNESCO World Heritage Site status for Chilika, we believe that this rich habitat and its biodiversity must receive attention through all mediums and communities so that its popularization and conservation is disseminated to the widest audience.

To this effect, IPCA believes that art is a potent medium to not only showcase natural beauty but also encourage engagement, documentation and discourse, highlighting the biodiversity of ecosystems and advocating the cause of conservation.